Jett has grown to love his new play pretty.
Andrew and his siblings have been super sweet to my growing boy, even working to teach him how to crawl.
Sadie has been loving on him.
He has hit a growth spurt and no longer has knuckles, just little pudgy dents where they should be.
He kicked back and relaxed on B one afternoon.
He wants to stand more than sit.
A bib is our new best friend and as much as I hate to see a bib covering up an outfit, it is a must. His daddy thought that it should be his SuperBaby Cape, rather than a drool stopper.
His sweet little feet almost fill up his size three kicks, and those fat little thighs caused me to remake several of his little bubbles to make the legs bigger.
We visited Mamaw for some love before the week at our new babysitter.
The pool called our name and this little man is part polar bear, loving the water even though it was icy.
We have run around a lot from one thing to another. Life is busy with our bundle of boy.