Friday, March 31, 2017

Yard Work

I think Cullen has been waiting on the day he could get Jett to help him with mowing. Jett had to warm up to the noise but wound up having a blast.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


I signed Jett up for Tball.
I didn't know our coach or one person on the team.
We had our first practice last night and it should be noted this was the first time Jett wore athletic clothing. He went with an all blue motif and was proud of his choice, I should follow it with a "bless his heart."
Jett listened, followed directions and did way better than I expected.
At the end of practice he told his coach thank you and he would miss him until next week.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Bo Leathers is Here

St. Patty's Day with the Youngs

It had been too long since we saw our dear friends, and I had already traveled several miles for Spring Break, so what was a few more. We took off to Jackson to see the Youngs and spend a day catching up, wearing green and celebrating the Luck of the Irish at the Jackson zoo.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Pollard Spring Break

We loaded up and headed to Hot Springs, then to Waco and then home over spring break.  Cullen was in Honduras on a Mission Trip so we (Jett, my Aunt B, and my cousin) headed west.  Hot Springs was cold, Texas was cold, but within three days we had logged some serious miles and seen the Silos of Magnolia Market.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Spring Break Roadtrip

We left after church this morning to head on a road trip. I love an adventure. With Cullen in Honduras for the week, we decided to take our own.

Afternoon at Avent's Park

We had time to kill before his haircut, so Jett asked me to pick up his Mamaw and take them to the park.
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers