Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Student Life 2010

Okay so now I'm really back blogging...meaning I didn't blog about it right after it happened so I can just get it in now.... I was able to go with the youth on their summer trip. We went to the beach and enjoyed a week of Student Life. Here are some things I learned. I am not able to hang with these girls for long...they can stay up later, sleep at anytime during the day, and basically have more energy than I remember having.
It was a lot of fun. The group of seniors this year were seventh graders the last time I went on a trip with them. The seventh graders this year was the group I student taught. I literally watched these kids grow up in the church and they are one of the closest groups I have seen in a while. They are inspirations. They are so studied in the Word. It was a fun time filled with hours of Big Booty, lots of Justin Bieber music, and a whole lot of worship.

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