Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend Review

The weekend flew by.
We had a jam packed schedule that goes along with the start of school.
Friday we went to the Oxford Premier of The Book of Manning.  I was grateful for an opportunity to dress up, leave the house, and be childless for a few hours.  I was also grateful to come home and hold my sweet boy while he slept.
Saturday came quickly and Cullen had to go to work since Game Days mean he is on a golf cart resolving parking issues until just before kickoff when he then changes gears and relates to donors.
I opted to take Jett to the Grove and the game.  My thoughts- it helps to have a parking pass, a husband on a golf cart, a friend who also has a baby, a friend who doesn't have a baby, and a cousin who loves your baby.
My observations from Oxford.- dresses are shorter than ever- no amount of money can replace class- people should have to pass a test before becoming parents, and it is better that Cullen has his job, than me.  I can't hold my tongue like he does and I also can't step back and look at situations with a broad perspective like he does.

Sunday, our day of rest, brought us back to Oxford for the seventh straight day, but we were together, and it made for a time for Cullen and me to catch up and talk about the upcoming week.

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