Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ole Miss Homecoming 2013

 My mom and Mrs. Kyle were my guests to Homecoming this week.  We were honestly worried that Jett was not going to make it very long.  Pregame he was struggling to not cry.  
 Mrs. Kyle and my mom are neighbors, they taught together for years, and have been friends for over 35 years.  Mrs. Kyle was my fourth grade teacher and she catered my wedding.  She is a dear friend and she loves the Rebels.  I think she enjoyed herself.
 Once Jett saw the field he was excited and tears were no longer a threat.
 Then he saw a girl and he was even better.
 With a few toys he was content.
 And then, we found his friend, Dabs.  The sweet couple I've gotten acquainted with this season, let us sit in a table they had reserved.  Turns out they are Dabs' great grandparents.  Dabs and Jett stay with the same sitter.  Once they saw each other it was clear that they recognized one another and were all smiles from their on out. 
 Jett then decided he could make his move.  He is loving giving kisses these days.

And towards the end of the game, Dabs had worn down and was upset.  Once Jett saw her crying he crawled over to her and played at her feet.  She stopped crying and they just cooed and smiled at one another.  It was really sweet.  Hotty Toddy for another Rebel win.

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