Monday, July 20, 2009

To Do- To Done

So this morning I reported on a lot of things I needed to get finished this morning. I was SUPER PRODUCTIVE!
I loaded and unloaded the dishwasher about 5 times

I cleaned out the fridge.

I rearranged my McCarty. (yes this was needed)

Cloroxed the whites.

Cleaned out our storage shed.

Cleaned out upstairs closet.
and my accomplishment I am most proud of...I weeded the flower beds. Yes you would think this would be an easy task, but not for see I'm not outdoorsy. I hate yard the point that I don't do it. I don't like sitting outside, eating outside, or anything that requires me to sweat. It just isn't pretty y'all. Oh but today I did it! Why you ask...because it hadn't been done since we had it landscaped last summer. It really had gotten quite embarrasing.

This was before

These were my recruits. Yeah it has to be bad when your weeds have a HUGE or as Con Con would say HURGE root structure. Meagan and Logan made the second flower bed go by in half the time ok a third of the time.

This was after see the lack of weeds...for the most part :)


Connie said...

But yard work is way more fun when you're with friends haha...I'm very impressed by all the other work you got done!


Connie said...

I hate yard work, too!! Glad these two were a bit of help!!

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