Saturday, January 12, 2013

37 Weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 37 Weeks
Size of baby:  Growing

Total Weight Gain/Loss:

Maternity Clothes: Sunday at church I had nothing on maternity, I was able to disguise myself by putting on black and adding a coat.  I have become a fan of my tennis shoes and might just be wearing them to work from now until baby time. 

Gender:  Boy oh Boy

Movement:  His movements have slowed at times and at others he is just as jumpy as always.  Hiccups happen a lot.

Sleep: This is the biggest change for me this week.  I am still waking every couple of hours, but I have had some random contractions and nausea and its very reminiscent of my first trimester.  Hopefully this means the end is near.

What I miss: I miss feeling pretty, wearing cute clothes, it not taking me an hour to get ready.  When Cullen and I first got married I prided myself in being able to be showered and ready in 32 minutes.  I laugh at that number now…. more like an hour and 32 minutes.  When you are bigger than big, it just takes longer to do things.  And when you mind is mush you have to add time into your routines to think of something, forget it, and remember it again.  Where I once was the owner of a one track mind, I now think of things to do while I get ready, like start a load of clothes, or go get some water to drink, or unload the dishwasher.   

Cravings: All I crave now, is to be past labor and delivery, and home with a baby.  I watched as two of our friends held their babies in church and I long for a sense of normalcy, something I can plan around or plan on or just plan about.

Symptoms: The swelling is coming and going now.  Cullen and I have been walking, and I’m still wearing Google out for symptoms of labor, ways to induce labor, and going over my before Baby Pollard Bucket List.      

Best Moment this week: Getting a prenatal massage, manicure and pedicure…can you say super relaxing.

This was taken after a walk through town.  One of my favorite shirts I wear all the time thanks to Leslie...because it is long enough to cover the lower baby bump.

Doctor this Week: With my doctor being out of town I saw a different doctor, Dr. Patterson.  I loved her, she was great.  Things were getting ready, but no major progress.   Alas, she sent me home with support socks, directions to bounce on a birthing ball, and to walk, walk, walk.  

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