Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween with Super Man

 This year Jett was set to be Super Man.  He had several costumes but this one he wanted from day one and knew he was going to wear.
 He knows how to work it, when we got in the car from school, he said, " I sure wish my Mamaw could see my costume."  So of course I called her and we were on our way to her house across town.  He showed her his costume and quickly went to work building a track outside.

 Then we went to see Sadie at her house.

Then to DD and Papaw's house to see them and show them the costume.  We rounded out the night at trunk or treat at church then home.  We are not big trick or treaters.  Since our house is the only one on the block we don't have a lot of traffic.  We were in bed by 8.  A night well spent.  

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tennis Pro

Decided to start Jett with tennis lessons, thinking he would be a natural.  Tennis is not natural- not to JettBoy.  He is cute as a button, but he talks from the time he sets on the court until he steps off.  He doesn't listen to racket placement, or fast feat, or how to aim.  He hasn't grasped a lot of watching the ball or the hand eye coordination, but each week we go back and we try.  He comes to the car smiling and hopefully one day, it will all come together.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Bob and Jett at Church

Are they not the sweetest! Love these two precious four year olds can't believe they promoted to another Sunday School class.


Saturday in Oxford

I have loved taking Jett to the pumpkins since he was born.  I love each year planning his outfit and plotting out a time to get him picked up changed and there.  I'm a planner.  I can't help it.  I can't stand when I don't have a plan.  This year I have been worried about just about anything other than a plan for the pumpkins.  
 By most days near the end of September I have an awareness of when the pumpkins will be delivered and when we will get to them.  This year is was not on my short list.  Our afternoons are spent getting to Pontotoc for a lesson, a practice, or church.  My weekends have had weddings, parties, or house work.  And after commuting to and from Oxford each day for seven years, sometimes the last place I want to be on a weekend is Oxford.  But this past week Cullen was going to have to work for soccer selling programs so I grabbed mom and we braved game day in Oxford for the sake of the pumpkins.  
 There was virtually no traffic on the square, parking was prime and I bribed mom with lunch somewhere she had never been-AJAX.  Jett mandated he would not be eating there and if we could just get him some ice cream he would be fine.
 Full on ice cream we trekked to see Mr. Faulkner and Jett had his traditional picture with the phone booth.  We made it home with no nap and before Cullen made it home from the game.  It was a great Saturday in Oxford.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Soccer Season So Far

I've never had dreams of being a soccer mom.  It's a cold season.  It's not a life sport. I have a hundred excuses as to why, but it has never been a priority on my top 100 things I want to be when I grow up. I knew on Jett's first birthday when he was gifted a soccer ball by his Aunt Faren it was my destiny.  Jett opened that ball and as it hit the ground his newly walking legs walked right over and as if he had been schooled in the ways of soccer for months prior to his mobility, he approached the ball and kicked it- not just a small kick but like a legit, I know what I'm doing kick.  The grandparents were in awe.  Cullen was bursting with pride.  I assessed all McCarty pottery in the room, and resigned myself to coming years spent on the soccer field.
 Jett's team this year has a few church members on it, so it's more like a Sunday school reunion each week than a meet and greet of newbies. 

 There are a number of moments in the games when we just yell for someone to kick the ball, and at times it is excruciating watching the ball go down the field the wrong way, but so far Jett is enjoying it.  His grandparents come each week to cheer him on.  

He is learning teamwork skills, he is learning to work for something.  I'm learning to tolerance, how to pack a car for all weather, and that if I have a purse full of candy even I can enjoy being a soccer mom.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Great 38

 At the start line
 ...the finish line...
 Photo op with Chucky Mullins' aunt and uncle who adopted him...
We did it, we set a goal and we finished the Great 38 Half Marathon.  You might remember a year ago I was on a journey to run 12 half marathons in 12 months.  I did it, I completed it, and I did run another race for a solid year.  I did run a time for a solid six months.  I was OVER it.  In early spring I had a friend want to run a half.  She had her eyes on the prize and we set out to train, over the summer we did.  We ran in the heat, the humidity and through the miles I remembered I enjoy running and working toward something.  I had no plans to run for time ever again, but I can run with friends.  So after she completed her half, I found this one and it was one all of us could drive over to and do together.  It was awful.  The first five miles of hill almost killed me.  By mile 8 one of us had decided no more fuel was left in the tank, and we might as well walk, but we ran it in to the stadium, we laughed more than we complained, and we finished.  I can now say I ran a half marathon at halfway through a pregnancy

A New Pumpkin in the Patch

The Pollards are adding a new pumpkin to our Patch.  Jett Boy is going to be a big brother.  Due just around the end of February, Crausby Carter Pollard will join our family.  We are 100% certain this time it is a boy, and no gender change will occur.  We have both a sonogram and a blood test to confirm another boy is on his way.  

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Helms Wedding

In early August I was asked to direct Madison Helm's wedding.  It was a beautiful wedding. To date I would say it was one of the easiest weddings I've been a part of.  The flowers were beautiful, the wedding party was the nicest and everything went off without a hitch.  

Friday, October 6, 2017

Zoo Day during Fall Break

We opted to take Jett to the zoo the Friday we were off work for Fall Break.  Jett acted as Cullen's tour guide.  Cullen had not been to the zoo since he was in elementary school.  And we saw every animal. This time around Jett said his favorite animal was the Hippo and the Crocodile.    It was a warm day and we saw lots of people from Lafayette.  We even saw Jett Boy's teacher, Mrs. Robin.  

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Homecoming Hero

Jett in PreK has been a fun process to watch.  I'm learning about parent involvement from the mom side and all the dress up days and home activities that keep us busy as little bees.  Our homecoming week at Lafayette was capped off by a school wide homecoming pep rally.  The pep rally made the administrator in me a nervous wreck. And because I was watching my 720 students I had to rely on others to send me photos of Jett Boy.  Here he is with his assistant principal and his teacher.  He loves them both.
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers