Sunday, October 15, 2017

Saturday in Oxford

I have loved taking Jett to the pumpkins since he was born.  I love each year planning his outfit and plotting out a time to get him picked up changed and there.  I'm a planner.  I can't help it.  I can't stand when I don't have a plan.  This year I have been worried about just about anything other than a plan for the pumpkins.  
 By most days near the end of September I have an awareness of when the pumpkins will be delivered and when we will get to them.  This year is was not on my short list.  Our afternoons are spent getting to Pontotoc for a lesson, a practice, or church.  My weekends have had weddings, parties, or house work.  And after commuting to and from Oxford each day for seven years, sometimes the last place I want to be on a weekend is Oxford.  But this past week Cullen was going to have to work for soccer selling programs so I grabbed mom and we braved game day in Oxford for the sake of the pumpkins.  
 There was virtually no traffic on the square, parking was prime and I bribed mom with lunch somewhere she had never been-AJAX.  Jett mandated he would not be eating there and if we could just get him some ice cream he would be fine.
 Full on ice cream we trekked to see Mr. Faulkner and Jett had his traditional picture with the phone booth.  We made it home with no nap and before Cullen made it home from the game.  It was a great Saturday in Oxford.

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