We made a flying trip to Jackson yesterday. By we I mean my mom and I and when I say flying I mean we left at 9:45 and we were home by 10:45 last night. It was just enough time to stop at Target and to see sweet Baby Girl. She is growing more up than out these days and she is talking and walking up a storm. I heard her say a lot of new words, too.
When asked where she lives she says- Sippi
When asked where Uncle Cullen was she says- Pon-toc
She named all of the farm animals and still loves to sound like a cat the most.
She also has great manners. She says Pease, Tank You, and Welcome
And to get the diaper change over more quickly she says Hug You, Hug You...basically saying I wanna hug you so you will pick me up and quit changing my diaper.
She is a cutie patootie! But all that chasing around wore me out. I can't imagine it daily. I did ask my sister in law if she was tired all of the time...guess what...she said she'd been tired for the last two years---or right about the time she was 8 months pregnant.
To that news I said I'm so glad she has the grandchild and Cullen and I have Pollyanna Pollard, the outside cat. We feed her when we want to, we talk to her when we want to, and if we forget to do either of the two she still survives.